2020 CybertrucK
==The FIRST spark to robot, The FIRST robot to CyberpucK==
Name: CybertrucK
Weight: 56kg (with Battery & Bumper)
Size: 72cm W x 78cm L x 103cm H
Status: Not In Service
FRC 2020 Science Park Taichung 5G Pilot Regional Finalist
Design Details
The intake system comprises 2 compliant wheels and 4 mecanum wheels.
It's combined with snail-shaped storage and a vertical storage system; the box storage can avoid the cells from falling out.
Designed in a curved shape, it shoots the power cells using two black rubber tires.
We designed a retractable hook for the Climber, using two long springs to shoot up the hook and a motor to pull the robot upwards.
The rotator comprises two green rubber tires. The color sensor on the top and our excellence in programming help us achieve 100% accuracy in rotating the panel and color recognition.
Our Strategy